Referendum Question #1:

GHS Cafeteria Expansion, Phase I Modular Expansion @ GHS and Narragansett HVAC Replacement.

Referendum Question #2:

Rebuild of Tennis Courts at New GMS Site.

Referendum Question #1


Shall the Town of Gorham authorize the issuance of general obligation bonds and/or notes in anticipation of such bonds in a principal amount not to exceed $9,494,575.00 and to appropriate the proceeds thereof for the purpose of financing costs of the:

  1. Gorham High School Cafeteria expansion and modular Phase I additions (six classrooms, one adult education, bathrooms, utility room and other related expenses); and

  2. HVAC system at Narragansett Elementary School, with the bonds and notes to be issued...

Fiscal Note: The total estimated debt service of the bonds authorized by this question is $12,691,377, of which principal is $9,494,575 and estimated interest at 3.18% over 20 years is $3,196,802.

The Town Council Recommends a "Yes" vote (5 in favor/2 opposed).

Referendum Question #2


Shall the Town of Gorham authorize the issuance of general obligation bonds and/or notes in anticipation of such bonds in a principal amount not to exceed $2,541,250, and appropriate the proceeds thereof for the purpose of financing costs of:

  1. Rebuilding/relocating tennis courts at the Gorham Middle School site...

Fiscal Note: The total estimated debt service of the bonds authorized by this question is $3,380,781, of which principal is $2,541,250 and estimated interest at 3.18% over 20 years is $839,531.

The Town Council recommends a "Yes" vote (5 in favor/2 opposed).

GHS Cafeteria Expansion Project & Narr. HVAC Project Facts:

space sketch


What would this project, if approved do?

  • This project will expand cafeteria space with a brick-and-mortar addition, allowing us to add seating for roughly another 120 students.

  • This project will add bathrooms, allowing students closer access from modular classroom spaces.

  • This project will add six classroom spaces to GHS.

  • This project will add 1 Adult Ed. Space at GHS allowing us to move Adult Ed. from GMS, where we are already running out of space, to GHS.

  • This project will add a utility room that will allow us to operate the new Phase I classrooms and add a phase II modular expansion further down the road as needed.

  • This project will replace the HVAC system at Narragansett Elementary School.

What are the needs being addressed by this project?

  • The total population of GHS is expected to rebound over the next 2-3 years and by 2027-2028 school year be at or above 900 students in a school constructed 50+ years ago for 750 students.

  • Even if a new high school construction project is approved by the state of Maine this coming year, we are still 10+ years out of having a building built and being able to use it. We need to have space to operate student programming in the meantime.

  • GHS Specialized student populations (i.e. special education) are increasing and require additional space that does not currently exist.

What are the implications of not funding this project?

  • We will run out of appropriate space for our specialized populations at GHS, placing us in jeopardy of legal action if programming needs cannot be appropriately met.

  • GHS cafeteria and regular classrooms will be severely overcrowded once again.

  • Increased construction costs over time. These needs will not go away, and costs to taxpayers will only increase with time.

CLICK HERE to view the estimated cost sheet for GHS Expansion Project ($9,034,000.00)

CLICK HERE to view the estimated cost sheet for the Narragansett HVAC Project. ($460,575.00)

Total Anticipated Cost For Question #1 = $9,494,575.00 (Principal only)

Tennis Court Rebuild & Move to GMS Project Facts:

GMS location map

Tennis court design

What would this project, if approved do?

  • This project would construct six tennis courts to allow for MPA Varsity level tennis matches to be played.

  • Of the six courts constructed, two will also be lined to allow pickleball.

  • This project would include lighting the tennis courts to allow for longer utilization times by community members.

  • This project would include adding a watering station to the fields located at this site.

  • This project would include fencing and bleachers.

  • This project would move tennis courts from their current location at GHS to a new location at GMS to allow for future modular expansion at the GHS site as may be needed.

What are the needs being addressed by this project?

  • Current conditions of tennis courts located at the GHS site are unsafe and do not allow for matches to be held (See above pictures).

  • Resurfacing companies have looked at the current courts and have indicated they can no longer warranty their work. Simply resurfacing is not an option.

  • Although students may practice on the courts, they are now having to travel to neighboring communities for competition.

  • Moving tennis courts will allow greater access to community members who would like to use the courts during the course of the school day.

  • Lighting the courts will allow greater access to community members who would like to use the courts during the evening hours.

  • Moving the courts will allow us to move forward with a 2nd phase of modular expansion at GHS in the future.

What are the implications of not funding this project?

  • Approximately 50+ students will not be able to use tennis courts in Gorham to compete in home matches.

  • In the past, USM has used our tennis courts for free. In exchange USM has offered our athletic program certain advantages for use of their facilities. If we cannot offer the use of our tennis courts, these other advantages may no longer be there.

  • Gorham Recreation programming will not be able to use tennis courts in the village area.

  • Gorham community members in the village area would lose access to tennis courts.

  • Increased construction costs over time. These needs will not go away, and costs to taxpayers will only increase with time.

CLICK HERE to view the estimated cost sheet for the Tennis court project.

Total Estimated Cost for Question #2 = $2,541,250.00 (Principal only)

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