Superintendent's September 20 Blog Post is ready to view! Have a great weekend everyone and if you have a moment - check out Wednesday's Candidates Night next week to learn more about what you will be asked to vote on Nov. 5! about 6 hours ago, Heather Perry
Family, food, music, and fun at the Narragansett Family Picnic tonight!
about 22 hours ago, Quinton Donahue
The Gorham Schools is recruiting for SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS! Daily rates are: $150 for cert. teachers, $140 for training course completers, and $125 for all others. We add $10/day for specialized classrooms. Please Share link below to apply! 1 day ago, Heather Perry
It was so nice to see our Village Elementary students participating in game time today! They demonstrated problem solving and creative thinking while having fun with their classmates.
2 days ago, Quinton Donahue
Cross country meet in Gorham done right!
6 days ago, Heather Perry
7 days ago, Quinton Donahue
Members of the GHS student council presented to the Gorham School Committee last night on how important the council is to making sure our students have a REAL VOICE in their school! Excellent presentation from some very articulate students! GO RAMS!
8 days ago, Heather Perry
The Gorham Schools is seeking new parent/community members to serve on our Anti-Racism & Equity Advisory Committee! Check out the flyer below for more details! We would love to see you join us for this important work!
8 days ago, Heather Perry
The Gorham Schools is Looking to Hire Educational Technicians! Check out the flyer for more information and apply today!
8 days ago, Heather Perry
If you haven't already seen the GHS Creates Video, highlighting how our students are using their i-pads to CREATE - check it out below! 8 days ago, Heather Perry
One final reminder for those that might be interested in participating in this upcoming "Book Talk" regarding children and phone use. Deadline to sign up is Sept. 15. Information on how to sign up is in the flyer!
8 days ago, Heather Perry
GHS science students exploring the metric system on their table tops!
8 days ago, Heather Perry
Great night for a soccer game! gHS boys vs Biddeford! GO RAMs!
9 days ago, Heather Perry
14 days ago, Heather Perry
15 days ago, Heather Perry
First day of Kindergarten at Great Falls. Love those smiles!
16 days ago, Heather Perry
First day of Kindergarten at Great Falls. Love those smiles!
16 days ago, Heather Perry
Village kindergarten students enjoying their open house tonight with a scavenger hunt for fun!
17 days ago, Heather Perry
GMS is packed for the Open House tonight. It is a beautiful evening for students and families to be out meeting teachers and staff before the long weekend.
22 days ago, Quinton Donahue